How Success Might Just Be Around the Corner (with Shaun T)

In this episode, Shaun T.—American motivational speaker and fitness trainer—talked about how success is more than just the end goal. He emphasized why you should be out there doing your thing rather than just sitting around waiting for success to come.

Everybody has big dreams, everybody has the right to dream big. We’re sure you have one too. The kind of dream that would make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Have you reached that successful moment? Are you still on your way there? Chances are, you might already be there and you just don’t know it yet.

How do you picture success? Does it involve you finally having your dream job, a sizable monthly salary, and the skills and knowledge to maintain it all and achieve more?

But we’re here to tell you-you don’t have to wait till you’re up there to feel successful.

There are people who believe that success is something they can only find at the end of the journey. Unfortunately, a lot of those people would be the ones who are most likely to give up halfway to their goals in life. Why is that?

Have you ever found yourself on a completely different track towards your life goal? Are you stuck in a job you never really considered taking, but you needed to take it? It would be at that point in your life where you would start dreaming of success and when it finally comes to you.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but success won’t come knocking on your door.

You have to get up and do something successful so you can feel successful.

In other words, start doing something now that can help lead you to your future success.

For that you’ll need the motivation to help keep you in the right mindset.


  • You must define what you want. You must know what you want so you can have a clear picture of where you need to go. Keep your passion in mind and in your heart and you’ll soon find yourself on the right track.


  • Visualize yourself achieving your goal. Do you see yourself in succeeding? Do you see yourself reaching personal fulfillment? Visualizing your success is what will give you the drive to do what you need to do to make it a reality.


  • You need to learn to enjoy the journey. In the end, what will make you feel successful is what you’ve gone through to be where you are now. The blood, sweat, and tears you shed on your way here is what will define your success. Whenever you feel like giving up, always look back and see how far you’ve gone. Doing so is a sure way to reignite your flames of passion.


  • Don’t let your fear be an obstacle, let it be your motivator. Let’s say you have a clear idea of your end goal, you know where to go, and you know what you’ll have to do. You realize the path won’t be a walk in the park. You suddenly think of the many challenges you’ll have to endure to get to your goal. The only reason why you might find the path ahead intimidating is that you’re looking at it as the person you are now. Focus on your ability to grow and to learn new things. So when you finally confront those obstacles, they’ll be nothing more than stepping stones towards your success.


  • When the going gets tough, never hesitate to ask for help. Sometimes, going at it on your own won’t be enough. Don’t be afraid to seek a life coach to guide you. Life coaches can help you see how capable you are in achieving whatever you set your mind onto. Do you feel like you don’t have the skills and knowledge you think you need to achieve success? A life coach can teach you how what you currently have is already enough for you to take the next big step.

“Whatever job you’re doing at this very moment, you have to treat it as if it’s your own and live in the space as if you’re creating something you are extremely passionate about.” – Shaun T.

So don’t think that wherever you are now is a waste of time or a life sentence. Because wherever you are now always a step closer to the success that’s just around the corner. Let us know, what helps you feel successful? Is it something you do or is it something you think about?


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