2020 in Review: Some of the Best Advice and Tips from the Year

2020: The Year That No One Wanted But No One Will Forget!

We are around the corner from a new year and with that comes the hope and excitement of change!

All great, but the reality is that we can only see a better 2021 if we take the lessons learned from 2020 and move forward.

Yes, 2020 came with it’s unexpected challenges and difficulties, and as a whole, I think we can agree it was just crappy.

BUT…I still think it is important to reflect on some of the best advice I learned or gave this year so we can have the right mindset for 2021!

So here’s an overview of the best of 2020. There’s a little life advice, business advice, and podcasting advice for ya 🙂

Don’t forget to let me know in the comments at the end which one you resonated with the most!

How to Double Your Odds of Accomplishing Your Goals

On December 27, 2019, I posted the following on Instagram: “Quit waiting for a magic resolution to change your life. If it’s worth doing in 2020, it’s worth getting done now.”

The same rings true today. And the best way to accomplish your goals is not the common thought of motivation– it’s intention.

I interviewed James Clear on Build Your Network back in 2019, but I shared a valuable lesson I learned from him in early 2020. 

Being motivated to accomplish your goal will do little to no help in actually helping you achieve it.

James explains Implementation Intention. It is not just having a specific goal. It is having a when and where you are going to make it happen.

If you want to have a goal to exercise weekly, follow that statement up with a when and where. 

Realize that you are human and there will be plans that go as intended. When that happens, have an “If/then” statement for each goal. 

James gave an example that “If you miss a workout because a meeting went long, then you wake up early the next morning for a jog.” 

This advice was key for me in 2020. From changes in my business to changes in my personal health and habits, I implemented intention in my goals and saw accomplishments when others in the same areas did not.

And the great thing about implementing intention in your goals is that it does not matter if there is a global pandemic or not. 

So this advice can continue on for 2021 and beyond!


Content is Still King

If anything, this year solidified something for me in the podcasting space- content is and always will be king.

If you have a podcast, or your goal is to start a podcast this year, hear me now.

More than equipment, more than events, and more than literally everything else- your content is what matters most.

I shared that my first three hundred episodes of Build Your Network were recorded using an $83 mic set up.

But I poured all my energy into providing the best quality content that held the most value for my audience.

That paired with consistency will reap benefits for any content creator. 

So whether you have a blog, youtube channel, or a podcast, keep your content your number one focus. Do not let anyone tell you any differently.

Yes, are there other important elements to consider? Of course, and if you want to know more about my most comprehensive podcasting course ever, check it out here.

But if it comes down to one part of podcasting that is “make it or break it”, hands down, it is your content.

How was your content in 2020? How are you going to make content king in 2021?


The Best Monetization Tool You May Not Be Using!

When people ask me about my business, they often ask about how I monetize my podcast.

Now, there is a lot that I could say about monetization, and I have a whole section in my online course, but I want to share the one tool for your podcast or business that can help you monetize.

Facebook Groups.

Yep, that simple. Now, yes, I know that Facebook Groups are not new, but using it as a tool to generate income for your business is not as widely talked about.

I believe that is changing. 

If you have a business, podcast or otherwise, you need to have a Facebook group.

Why? The answer might surprise you. It’s not the numbers.

It is the relationships.

People join groups for community. They want the real, genuine conversation and interaction. A podcast episode or youtube video is a one way communication.

The Facebook group gives them a chance to talk back. 

Giving your audience a call-to-action to join you in a Facebook Group will grow the relationship you have with your audience, and yes, you can even see the financial benefits that it brings to your show.


How to Have Conversations with People You Disagree With 

In a BYN Breakdown episode earlier this year, my producer, Eric, and I discussed the topic of conversations between people who disagree.

Whether it’s in business, politics, or life in general, people will disagree. And here are a few thoughts we had on having these conversations.

Both Eric and I grew up very religious. Our background impacted our ability to hear other viewpoints.

But as we have grown and explored in the podcasting space and in life, we learned that it is vital to have empathy in these conversations.

Here are a few takeaways from the episode that we discussed about having co

  1. Listen to hear- not to respond.
  2. Don’t let your emotions override facts.
  3. Be empathetic in how you process information.

Find Your Blue Ocean

This one will take a little explanation. Again, Eric and I spoke on this topic on a BYN Breakdown on the show, so feel free to listen here.

But this advice is purely for podcasters. Finding your Blue Ocean is in reference to your niche. Your avatar. The person you want to reach in your audience.

Some of the best advice I can give anyone who has a show or is starting a show is to find your blue ocean.

Where does this metaphor come from? 

Think about the vast blue ocean. And it is vast. And blue.

Now think about a shark who finds a seal and takes the first bite. The water surrounding the scene is now red.

Sharks can smell a drop of blood from miles away. So once that first bite has been made, sharks from all around can come swarming in.

However, for some of those sharks, by the time they get to the scene, there won’t be any meat left on the bone.

So when you think about your show- find your blue ocean. Venture somewhere that is relevant but not yet inundated with other sharks.

Have you already found your blue ocean? Let me know what it is in the comments below!


The year 2020 has come and gone with a very different feel than most years. But despite all we have seen, heard, and felt this year, we can still learn and grow.

Whether it is in our intentions, content, monetization, conversations and relationships, or our niche, may 2021 and every year to come be better for it!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and make sure to check out by FREE webinar here to see how 2021 could be your year in the podcasting space!


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