9 Deserving, Underrated Podcasts to Listen To

In the early part of 2020, Build Your Network was featured in an article called, Top 25 Podcasts Designed to Make You Think and Grow, over on readwrite.com.

First, when I read it, I was deeply moved and grateful to be included, but then I was inspired.

With over 850,000 podcast shows in the Apple library, there are so many out there that deserve to be featured or given the spotlight in an article like mine did.

While my blog does not have the power that others do, I still want to share with my audience the importance of supporting others in your space!

There are so many great shows out there that are underrated but deliver on the value in amazing ways.

So today, I am going to give you the names and links of nine amazing podcast shows that I truly believe are designed to make you think and grow.

These nine shows are not hosted by celebrities. They may not have the highest production budgets. 

But the quality of their message and their conversations cannot be dismissed.

If you are in business, entrepreneurship, or self-development of any kind, you will want to check these shows out.

You may even find a new favorite! As long as Build Your Network is up there too 😉

And just so we are clear, these are in no particular order. They are all shows that I subscribe and actively listen to. But I am not listing them in any order. They are all equally great!

So without further ado, here are Nine Underrated but Over Deserving podcasts and why!

How Winners Win with Daniel Blue

The title says it all! This show is for winners and it is hosted by two incredible guys, Daniel Blue and Keitoh Spears.

These guys are based in Vegas which already makes them winners in my book, but beside their location, they also have great conversations with each other and guests that come on the show.

Daniel Blue is the owner of Quest Education, a company that helps entrepreneurs get capital for their companies, and he has a wealth of knowledge in the financial industry.

Keitoh works as a financial educator at Quest Education and loves talking about the important elements of a winner’s mindset.

From their shorter discussions about topics related to business and mindset, to the interviews with guests about entrepreneurship and finance, this show will give you helpful insight for your personal and professional life! Click here to listen!

Underdog Empowerment with Zach Babcock

Described as the show for the Alpha Entrepreneur, this weekly show is that hardcore push you want to level up in every area of your life!

Zach Babcock has a crazy cool story about how he went from five years in prison to building a six figure business. He wants to share his knowledge about the online world, marketing, and mental toughness with you.

Ever felt like you have the best idea, but the entire world is coming up against you? You take one step forward and about ten steps back.

Welcome to entrepreneurship! This podcast will be just the push and help you need to take that “underdog” mentality and prove to the world that you have what it takes! Check it out here.

Optimal Self: The Art of Becoming the Best Version of You with Jeremy Herider

This newer show is the perfect motivational listen in the morning! 

Jeremy Herider is a former pro baseball player turned real estate advisor and productivity officer. With a desire to help everyone become the best version of themselves, this show has the best of both worlds.

Jeremy shares quick 10 minute thoughts and episodes on different topics and paths to seeing optimal results in your life as well as longer interviews with special guests every week.

These interviews dive deep into their mindset and the tools they have used to get to where they are.

Jeremy is a great guy with a great voice and a great heart, and it shows in Optimal Self!

Sell Without Selling with Stacey O’Byrne

The idea of sales and selling is not one we often love to jump into. Unless you are a natural salesman, the idea of selling anything has us running the other direction.

But that is what is so great about Stacey’s show, Sell Without Selling. She focuses on the heart and spirit of success and business that does not require a sales pitch. 

With her experience in coaching and leading multi-million dollar companies, Stacey knows a thing or two about the art and science of selling.

Listen as she shares her tips and tricks throughout the week as well as her interviews with other like-minded business people.

Her voice is smooth and easy to listen to, and her energy and passion comes through the mic with ease.

Add this show to your lineup, and you won’t regret it!

Business School with Sharran Srivatsaa

Sharran Srivatsaa is the man! And this podcast will give you all the business goodies your heart desires!

His wisdom and experience provides overwhelming value in each and every episode. From his practical “how-to’s” to his practical guides and tips for his team, the time spent listening to his show will pay you back quickly when you apply his methods.

Sharran also has guest interviews, so again, another show that has the best of both worlds! 

This just might be the first time you enjoy going to “school” 😉 Listen in and let me know which episode impacted your business the most!

Diet Dropout with Felicia Romero

“The Fresh Take on Fitness”…this growing show is just that. Refreshing and so very helpful for those of us doing our best to take control of our health in our busy lives!

Felicia Romero is a fun, energetic host who will have you motivated and excited to hit your fitness goals.

She shares the real stories of people like us who have experienced the struggles and broken through the plateaus that come with the territory. Her own personal health issues are inspiration she uses to bring valuable insight to her audience.

If you are looking for a show that will help you grow personally in your health and fitness journey, this is it!

Your Daily Dose of Growth with Dr. Rob

It’s all in the name! Want to grow? Want a daily dose of wisdom from an experienced coach and mentor?

Dr. Rob McCleland and the Daily Dose of Growth Podcast is the answer! As the only daily podcast on this list, this one fits the bill to the “T”.

With short five to ten minute episodes, Dr. Rob shares leadership tactics, motivational inspiration, and actionable challenges for his listeners.

I personally know Dr. Rob, and he truly cares for those he meets and comes across. While he hasn’t personally met each of his listeners, he speaks to you as though he has.

You feel like you’re listening to your personal friend and mentor. 

Want a quick daily listen for your mornings? Subscribe and listen to the Daily Dose of Growth now! 

Brands on Brands with Brandon Birkmeyer

Branding- it’s all about who you are and what you do, right? 

Well, Brandon Birkmeyer devotes each and every episode to helping you learn how to build authority and influence in your business and network through the power of branding.

Hear interviews with keynote speakers, authors, influences, and marketing experts and find the value in the conversations each and every week!

Need a strategy for building your brand? Listen in with Brandon and let me know what you think in the comments below!

3 Cops Talk with Chris Sherwin

This one is probably the most different on this list, but I feel it is very necessary in our world today. 

We often don’t take our culture and society’s issues seriously when it comes to our personal development and business.

But I do think it is important to have an awareness of what is going on around us, and this podcast helps provide a place for an important conversation.

With the tagline “Rebuilding Community Trust”, these three cops talk about current events and the practical ways we can keep our communities and families safe.

They open up the dialogue to discuss police brutality, racial tension, and other not-so-comfortable topics.

Rather than running the other way, these cops know that something needs to be done, and this show helps us all know what steps to take.

Check it out today!


There you have it. Nine new shows that you can add to your repertoire!

Share with your friends and family. Spread the word about these shows and others. Let’s help promote each other!

Let me know what show I missed or you are currently listening to in the comments below.

I want to hear what you’ve been listening to! 

I’ll see you next week. Cheers!


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