Masterminds and Mentorship (with Brad Lea, Kevin Harrington, and Elena Cardone)

On this installment of the series Masterminds and Mentorship, we talked about dropping bombs, living like a shark, and building empires with Brad Lea of Lightspeed VT, Kevin Harrington of Shark Tank, and Elena Cardone of the G&E show. |

How important are mentorships?

Brad shared that he never followed other people’s advice before and he just went out and did and see things on his own. Later on, he discovered that he would have been more successful if he took those pieces of advice. Since we are on this topic of learning from others, he dropped an important bomb for us — your mindset plays a crucial role in being successful. Wow! Brad shared that you can’t fail if you:

  • learn from your failures
  • value the knowledge from your “failure,” and
  • learn as you go.

Who You Know Or What You Know?

For Kevin Harrington, who you know is very important because at the end of the day, a lot of things could be accessible to you and your business if you know the right people.

If you have an array of people who are knowledgeable in different fields, then you don’t need to be an expert in those areas in order to make something happen.

Kevin’s most important tip: create a “dream team” and surround yourself with experts. This will help you power yourself to the top. However, simply being acquainted is not enough and one-on-one mentorship is very important. This kind of mentorship will help you hone your individual skills; if you just give it a try, then you will experience all the advantages yourself.

Why Should You Take Care Of Your Network?

Elena shared her experiences during the time she was still starting her modeling career and how important it is to have a good relationship with the people you work with.

No matter what industry you choose to be a part of, people in that circle will always talk to each other. If you treat your co-workers properly, word will get out and there is a higher chance of you getting more opportunities.

On the other hand, bad relationships will lead to a bad reputation and that is how a person loses a career.

The friends that you make and the good relationships that you maintain have the potential of bringing you good things that will be of great help to you.  

Success can be very difficult to attain and talking to Brad, Kevin, and Elena gave me so much inspiration.

I’m sure you will learn a lot from them too, so go and listen to the rest of the episode here and discover more reasons why you should build your network.

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