207: Aubrey Marcus | Open Relationships, Onnit, and Opportunity

Founder of ONNIT and New York Times best-selling author of Own the Day, Own Your Life, Aubrey Marcus talks to your host Travis Chappell about transitioning from a monogamous relationship to an open relationship, starting a journey of self-discovery and building your inner circle. Here’s what Travis and Aubrey discuss in this episode: Aubrey talks… […]

208: Masterminds and Mentorship Part 3 with John Lee Dumas, Jeff Hoffman, and Pat Flynn

John Lee Dumas from EO Fire, Jeff Hoffman from Priceline.com and Ubid.com, and Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income talk to your host Travis Chappell. They provide their top networking tips to help scale your relationships and rub shoulders with your role models. Here’s what Travis, John, Jeff, and Pat discuss in this episode: Networking […]

209: Freestyle Friday | BYNU Professor Profile: Steve Arneson

Steve Arneson speaks with Travis Chappell about his real estate acquisition and education company. Steve is one of the teachers in Build Your Network University providing free value to listeners and members of the group. Here’s what Travis and Steve discuss in this episode: Steve is a full-time real estate investor with his partner Randy… […]

210: Jon Gordon | How to Book Pro Sports Teams as Clients

Jon Gordon, author of The Power of a Positive Team, best-selling author, motivational coach, and motivational speaker talks with your host Travis Chappell about how he sold over a million copies of his first book, why adding value is the first rule of networking, and how he’s able to work with pro sports teams on… […]

211: Masterminds and Mentorship Part 4 with Angie Lee, Hither Mann, and David Burkus

Angie Lee from the Angie Lee Show, Hither Mann from Fortune Academy, and David Burkus author of Friend of a Friend share their networking tips to help you stand out, increase your inner circle, earn your fortune, and learn a better way to network strengthened by science. Here’s what Travis, Angie, Hither, and David discuss… […]

212: Freestyle Friday | BYNU Professor Profile: Doug Stevens

Doug Stevens, host of Saturday’s live trainings on BYN University, talks to your host Travis Chappell about asking experts questions on BYNU. Doug’s trainings are on Saturday at 1pm. Here’s what Travis and Doug discuss in this episode: Doug gives a synopsis as what he does as a licensed realtor, and his past in door… […]

213: Jairek Robbins | How Your Money and Mission Overlap

Jairek Robbins, motivational speaker, life and success business coach/consultant who has spoken and hosted events all over the world. Jairek talks to your host Travis Chappell about how why having nothing is really having everything, how helping people is one of the best motivators of success, and how to provide value as a coach and… […]

215: Freestyle Friday | BYNU Professor Profile: Lauren Davis

Lauren Davis, host of Friday’s BYNU live trainings on branding talks to your host Travis Chappell about maximizing your Instagram presence and other things that matter for your brand long-term. Here’s what Travis and Lauren discuss in this episode: BYN.university has free live trainings every Monday through Saturday at 1pm. Lauren gives a quick synopsis… […]

216: Alyshia Ochse | Why Relationships are Crucial in Hollywood

Alyshia Ochse, actress on many notable movies and TV shows, author, speaker, and podcaster speaks with your host Travis Chappell about how to build good relationships in a competitive space such as Hollywood. Learn why you should never be the smartest person in the room and why to even put energy in something like a… […]