319: Topic | Who or What Part 2 with Philip Stutts, Tim Storey, and Aubrey Marcus

Philip Stutts, an amazing marketer and owner of Win Big Media, Tim Storey, life coach and pastor of Congregation Church, and Aubrey Marcus, host of the “Aubrey Marcus Show” and author of the best-selling book “Own the Day, Own Your Life” share with your host, Travis Chappell, their thoughts on “who you know” and “what you know.”


Episode Highlights: 


  • Philip Stutts
  • Who you know: the “what you know” reinforces the “who you know.”
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with people that help you grow.
  • The key things Philip learned from a debilitating disease.
  • The “moon-shot” that changed Philip’s approach to life.


  • Tim Storey
  • What you know will take you to who you know.
  • Practical tips to those that want to excel in public speaking.
  • Why preparation and research are so important to your presentation.
  • Why it’s critical to speak to small groups in the same way you address large groups.
  • Building another person’s vision.


  • Aubrey Marcus
  • Know yourself.
  • Putting yourself in the right state for relationships. 
  • The key factors for successfully building Onnit.
  • How to put yourself in the place of opportunity.


3 Key Points:


  1. Don’t let your circumstances keep you from achieving what you are meant to accomplish.
  2. What you make happen for someone else, life makes happen for you.
  3. Knowing yourself is the most important work you can do to build lasting, meaningful relationships.



Tweetable Quotes:

  • “The disease that I had was the greatest gift I’ve ever been given.” – Philip Stutts
  • “Build your spot and life will put the spotlight on your spot.” – Tim Storey
  • “The quality relationships come from having the quality that you can offer as value.” – Aubrey Marcus

Resources Mentioned:

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