329: Freestyle Friday | How to Network at Events

In this episode of Freestyle Friday, with your host Travis Chappell, he shares the high level “blimp view” of how to network at events.  Simple things that can help differentiate you from others when networking.


Episode Highlights:

  • The re-emergence of email as the primary platform for marketing.
  • Why Live Events are the future for networking.
  • 3 keys to networking at live events: preparation, other events, and let others talk.
  • How to cultivate your social media for positivity


3 Key Points:

  1. You can never overlook the importance of personal connection.
  2. Never under-estimate the importance of preparation.
  3. How you make people “feel” is way more important than what you say.


Tweetable Quotes:

  • “Email is the only thing that we truly own, have, and can keep.” – Travis Chappell
  • “People will never, ever, ever remember what you say, but always remember how you made them feel.” – Travis Chappell

Resources Mentioned: 

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