The fundamental foundation of any podcast show is their topic, and choosing the right topic for your podcast show is not something to be taken lightly.
Sure, a topic may seem like an easy part of the process, but if chosen incorrectly, it could definitely impact the overall success of your show!
The topic of your show is not just a one-time decision. It literally follows you throughout each and every episode.

When starting your show it is imperative to narrow down your niche and your topic.
My producer and head coach, Eric, and I sat down a few months ago, over on the show and talked about a client testimonial that proved the importance of having the right topic.
When Eric was on a call with her talking about the direction for her show, she felt she needed to go into music since that was her background, but Eric could tell she wasn’t truly sold on the idea.
After going through a few questions, she found her true topic and niched down. And the crazy part was she was able to sell her first client before she even launched her show as a result of having this right topic!
I want to quickly go over a few questions every one who is starting a podcast should ask themself when picking their topic. These questions will give you the direction you need to make the impact you want with your show!
Let’s jump in.
What Am I Good At?
When first thinking about your podcast topic, it is important to sit down and write out what you are good at.
Do you have certain advantages or skill sets that would make for an interesting podcast?
What are things you tend to be better at than most people? Do you naturally have a proclivity toward certain elements or topics?
Write down as many different ideas and topics that answer this question as you can.

But do not worry. This isn’t the end.
See, most people would just pick from this list and go from there. But your topic needs to have depth and go even further.
So while these answers you have written will be important, they may not be your sole podcast topic.
Case in point, the client from earlier had a background in music, but early in the call, Eric, my producer, could tell there was not a passion there.
Which leads me to the second question you should ask yourself when deciding your podcast topic.
What Am I Passionate About?
What do you enjoy doing or speaking about? Is there something that just lights your fire when you discuss it?
See, these answers could be different than what you may have said to question one.
I have years of experience in door-to-door sales. And I’m pretty good at it. Saw some amazing success, and I found that I had a natural ability in the area.
People knew that I did door-to-door sales, and I could have definitely started a podcast about it with the credibility and authority in the field.
But it was NOT my passion. Walking and knocking was not necessarily something I enjoyed, and I did not want to spend hours every week talking about it.
I knew that if I started a podcast about that, just to make some money right now, I’d have to rebrand myself in three or four years anyway, because I was building a brand around something that I didn’t want to be in anymore.
So we have two lists. What we are good at and what we enjoy. Now onto the third layer of how to pick a podcast topic!
What Would Most People Find Helpful?
After you have taken the time to think about your strengths and passions, it is now time to think about what the audience would want to hear.
Is there a need or demand for your topic?

An easy tool to help with this research is Ubersuggest. I recommend it in my Academy training, and to many of my clients.
Ubersuggest is a fantastic tool that allows you to put in any topic or keyword to see analytics like search volume, and if that particular topic is super saturated or not.
You may also want to look up that particular topic in the podcast library to see if there is a space to be filled!
If you are good at and enjoy knitting kitchen aprons- you may want to research if there is an audience there first before launching out into that topic for your podcast.
Sure, you can have a successful podcast without large numbers, but you cannot have a successful podcast without a demand from your audience.
What Do I Want to Learn About?
The last question to ask yourself about your podcast topic is what you are interested in learning about as well.
Many believe that they have to already be an expert on their topic to start a podcast, but that is not true.
You can also take the approach of finding a skill that you may have natural tendencies to use, and enjoy using it, but you want to be able to master it!
What is something that you would want to be better at two or three years down the road?
When you have a curiosity and desire to learn more about your topic, there will be a natural excitement and energy in your show that the audience will gravitate towards!
Compare and Combine
Now that you have lists of answers to these questions, it is time to compare and combine!
Is there a topic that pops up on all four lists? How about three of them?
Your topic does not have to appear on all four, but if your topic does pop up on more than one list- it is something to seriously look into.
An ideal topic would be something you are passionate about that has an audience ready to listen, and either comes from your area of expertise or your genuine curiosity.
I chose the topic of networking because it was definitely something I was passionate to learn more about, and I knew that it had a demand!
When the client that Eric was on a call with began speaking about a separate topic than her music background, the excitement was palpable. She had the passion and knowledge.
Once we put some tools in her hands, she was then able to monetize her topic before her show even officially launched.
If you do not already have a business, picking your podcast topic is crucial if you want to turn it into a revenue and income stream.
If you do have a business, then your topic is really just making your business applicable to the masses and building a show around it.
Choosing your topic for your podcast is just the first step, but it will ultimately set your direction for the path of your show.
Consider each of these questions carefully, and write down as many topics that answer them as you can.
Compare and combine your lists to narrow down which topic would be the best fit for you and for your business.
Let me know what your podcast topic is in the comments below! I love hearing what people want to podcast about…
See you next week!