736: Amy Mahjoory | How to Use Networking to Raise Money and Quit Your Job

Tired of trading your time for dollars? Tired of feeling like your business is limited only by the amount of capital you have access to? Amy was once in your shoes. Amy Mahjoory left corporate America after 14 years to pursue real estate investing full time. And it was her ability to raise unlimited private […]

735: Michael Schill | Grant Cardone Mentee on Putting Foundation Before Flair

Before you go out and rewrite the game in any area, you need to understand “The Playbook” inside and out! Michael Schill, mentored by Grant Cardone, is a 21st-century entrepreneur who has managed to marry skill sets in business, music, fashion, and professional sports into a one-stop tour de force brand name. In this episode, […]

716: Killing it in the SaaS Space by Understanding “The Jungle”

Always an entrepreneur at heart, David Henzel realized that when you put value first, making money becomes the side effect! Ever since then, David has been building in the SaaS and e-com space for over 20 years and has had multiple exits, including MaxCDN. His passion is to help individuals and their organizations reach their […]

734: Anne-Marie O’Neill | There is History Still to Be Made in the Digital Space

It’s not too late, there are still massive opportunities to innovate in the digital market! Anne-Marie O’Neill believes we are still in an era of unforeseen saturation in digital marketing. Anne-Marie is the Chief Executive Officer of Whalerock, an LA-based media company that produces content for TV and digital and advises other brands on media […]

733: Omar Hamdi | Communicate Effectively by Using Pathos

Why should people care about what you do or what you have to offer? Omar Hamdi has unlocked the secret of helping businesses work out the emotions of their consumers through the concept of pathos! Omar is CEO of Pathos Communications, the only 100% pay-on-results PR agency in the world. He has over a decade’s […]

731: Justin Kline | The RIGHT Way to Do Influencer Marketing

If you’re not leveraging influencers to promote your brand, you may be missing out on one of the number one ways to build a following! Justin Kline is the Founder and President of Markerly, a pioneer of influencer marketing. Justin has led the company’s growth, guiding strategic direction, product development, and developing Markerly’s platform and […]

728: Steven Dimmitt | Successful Entrepreneurs Scratch Their Own Itch

Steven Dimmitt is living proof that when you live life chasing your own curiosity, the output can lead to opportunities you never knew existed. Steven is a rock climber, podcaster, and entrepreneur. He left his engineering job to move into a van full-time, and pursue personal goals in his passion of rock climbing. For the […]

727: Freestyle Friday | Censorship in Podcasting

We got a spicy one here today folks! What do artists like Niel Young, Brené Brown, and Joni Mitchell have in common? They’re all threatening to leave the Spotify platform if Joe Rogan isn’t “dealt with!” I hate to break it to people but trying to censor someone may actually have the opposite effect and, […]