311: Freestyle Friday | The Best Advice I’ve Ever Gotten

In this episode of Freestyle Friday, with your host Travis Chappell, he shares some thoughts on advice and mentorship.  What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Join in today to hear the best advice Travis has ever gotten. 


Episode Highlights:

  • A quick discussion on negative feedback, and how to approach the “nay-sayers.” 
  • How to not let limiting beliefs creep in, and stifle your creativity.
  • The quote that changed the game for Travis.
  • Learning to connect with quality people to enhance the quality of what you do.
  • Seeking and becoming the best at your craft.


3 Key Points:

  1. When you have an idea, don’t let negative feedback de-rail your plans and what you believe you should be doing.
  2. Focus on connecting with the people that can make you better.
  3. Find ways to continue to create and be the best at your craft.


Tweetable Quotes:

  • “Be so good, they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
  • “You have to make the quality of the things you do so good, that people just can’t help but support you.” – Travis Chappell
  • “There’s always room for the best.” – Tom Bilyeu

Resources Mentioned: 

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