318: Dean Karnazes | Ultra Marathons and Building Mental Toughness

Dean Karnazes is an Ultra Marathoner, Author, and one of Time Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people in the world. He ran 50 marathons in all 50 states in 50 consecutive days, and has also won the world’s toughest foot race, the Badwater Ultra- Marathon. He shares about mental toughness, proudest running career moment, most difficult race he has ever done, and the mindset for pushing past your goals.


Episode Highlights: 

  • A “run-through” of Dean’s childhood that ended up in a surprising place.
  • The 30th Birthday that changed everything.
  • Finding the thing that makes you live in happiness: “Do what you love.”
  • A practical lesson on finding the thing that fulfills you.
  • The importance of physical health in pursuing your goals.
  • The driving factor for Dean in pursuing Ultra Marathon running.
  • How Ultra Running parallels life.
  • What it took for Dean to prepare for Badwater.
  • The key factors needed for a holistic balance in Ultra Running.
  • Dean’s proudest moment: a 10k run?
  • Dean shares the incredible process of writing for the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series.
  • Why Run? The steps to get started in running.
  • Why focusing on the “next step” is the key to success.
  • Dean shares his most difficult race.
  • Who you know, or what you know: for material success, who you know, as far as internal gratification, what you know.
  • The Random Round: another profession that would be fun to attempt, who you wish you could spend an hour with sitting on a park bench, how do you like to consume content, glimpse of your morning routine, go-to pump-up song, what are you not good at.


3 Key Points:

  1. Your physical health plays a key role in how you approach life and how you pursue your goals.
  2. The challenge of running gives you the skills to be successful in life and business.
  3. Simply focusing on the “next step”, putting on foot in front of the other, is the simple key to accomplishing your goals.


Tweetable Quotes:


  • “Running imposed difficulties. It made you overcome adversity and deal with obstacles.” – Dean Karnazes
  • “Only experience can change our deepest values.” – Travis Chappell
  • “I look to optimize my interpersonal relationships and how that has to do with networking.” – Dean Karnazes
  • “Until you go over the edge, you don’t know how far the edge is.” – Dean Karnazes
  • “Unless you have the courage to fail, you’re not going to learn anything.” – Dean Karnazes

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