187: Top Networking Tips Part 13 with Albert Preciado, Edwin Arroyave, and Kerri Kasem
Top Networking Tips #13 featuring Albert Preciado of The Mortgage Guys, Edwin Ariave from Skyline Security and Kerri Kasem daughter of Casey Kasem. These three guests provide their top networking tips to teach you how to build wealth and relationships, build your people skills and blow up your networking. Here’s what Travis, Albert, Edwin, and… […]
188: Freestyle Friday | Australia, Bali, and Puerto Rico Recap with Travis Chappell
From Australia to Puerto Rico and more, Travis recaps the past few weeks of his travels and speaking engagements around the world. Here’s what Travis discuss in this episode: Travis talks about his three-week “world tour.” Travis hosted his Cool People, Cool Places mastermind in Bali. He did mastermind on how to start your own… […]
189: Scott Smith | Protecting your Assets and Saving on Taxes
Real estate investor and asset protection attorney Scott Smith of the Real Estate Nerd Podcast talks with your host Travis Chappell about protecting your assets, saving on taxes and networking better. Here’s what Travis and Scott discuss in this episode: Scott talks about how he got into saving money on taxes. You become an entrepreneur,… […]
190: Top Networking Tips Part 14 with Drew Manning, Amy Jo Martin, and David Burkus
Drew Manning Founder of Fit to Fat to Fit, Dave Burkus author of the book Friend of a Friend, and Amy Jo Martin of the Why Not Now Podcast provide their top networking tips to show you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and fitness in your relationships, learn a better way to network strengthened… […]
191: Freestyle Friday | Join Me at Entrepreneur LIVE with Travis Chappell
Your host Travis Chappell gives an overview of the Entrepreneur Live event on November 16th in Brooklyn, NY. Find out who is speaking at the event, why you should attend, and get a discount code to use when you buy your tickets. Travis gives an overview of the Entrepreneur Live event on November 16th in… […]
192: Dan Schawbel | Back to Human Connection
Dan Schawbel New York Times best-selling author of Promote Yourself and Me 2.0 and co-author of Back to Human talks with your host Travis Chappell about how to build relationships the right way. Dan also hosts a podcast called Five Questions where he interviews a variety of world-class humans in less than fifteen minutes. Here’s… […]
193: Top Networking Tips Part 15 with Derek Halpern, Omar Zenhom, and Chris Ducker
Derek Halpern from Social Triggers, Omar Zenhom from The Hundred Dollar MBA Show, and Chris Ducker, author of Rise of the YouPreneur share unconventional ways to network with people, give you the rundown on how to build your inner circle and teach you how to be the best entrepreneur you can be. Here’s what Travis,… […]
194: Freestyle Friday | Build Your Network University
Learn to Build Your Life Resume in this week’s Freestyle Friday with host Travis Chappell. Travis talks about how billionaire Jesse Itzler focuses on his life experiences to build his life resume. Learn how enriching it is to switch your focus to your experiences over “stuff.” Here’s what Travis discuss in this episode: Travis Facebook…The […]
195: Brendan Kane | Providing Value FIRST
Brendan Kane, growth hacker who’s built apps, platforms, and campaigns for extremely successful companies, brands, and people. He speaks with your host Travis Chappell about why building your network is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. Learn how to get in the door and capitalize on it once you’re there. Here’s what… […]
196: Top Networking Tips Part 16 with Brad Lea, Lori Harder, and Caleb Maddix
Brad Lea, Founder, and CEO of Lightspeed VT, Lori Harder, fitness and lifestyle entrepreneur, and Caleb Maddox, a sixteen-year-old millionaire speaker, and author. Learn how to provide value, grow your tribe and do it the right way. Here’s what Travis, Brea, Lori, and Caleb discuss in this episode: Networking Tips from Brad Lea Brad talks… […]